Can't wait for this album to drop. Download the Kanye West mixtape that dropped this weekend HERE.
Labels: Can't Tell Me Nothin Mixtape, Kanye West, Summer Jump Offs
very low key
Labels: Can't Tell Me Nothin Mixtape, Kanye West, Summer Jump Offs
Labels: Arcade Mode Special, Justice
Labels: Funny homegirl from NYC, Heather Fink
Labels: Alex Lukas, Alex's travel photos, and PERL, and SWS is my favorite graffiti crew that I have no affilation with, Caleb Neelon, Denver, I hope they meet ALERT, Limited Addiction Gallery
Labels: French disco music is the shit, Genevan Heathen, Go Go Go, Rambo is famous, Teki Latex
Labels: Rambo sends me everything i post on my blog, Teki Latex video
Labels: Happiness, John B Rambo, Love life, Not for the kids, Strictly for the ladies, Zurich
Labels: alvaro ilizarbe shout out, Freegums, fresh t-shirts, sold out, you're too late
Labels: Alex Lukas shout out, Boston shout out, Fantastic really, I'm going to Boston Friday, Matt Leines shout out, Nice article, Swindle Magazine shout out
Labels: boxing matches, hip hop harmony, judd loses arguments, las vegas, rambo sends nice pictures
Labels: Cool shit in Boston, Love life, Maritza Soto, Open Studio, Shout Out, Tighe Clark
Labels: Friends With You, Website